24. 05. 2024VideoGarden.14: Modus operandi


Screening and talk on Saturday, 25 May 2024, 9 pm at the inner courtyard of Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana.
14th VideoGarden is part of the Ljubljana Art Weekend. The DIVA Station team (Vesna Bukovec, Peter Cerovšek, Robert Kuret) has prepared a curated program Modus operandi, which presents various ways of working in order to survive in today’s neoliberal world.
Participating: Nika Autor, Sara Bezovšek, Lada Cerar, Lenka Đorojević & Matej Stupica, Tomaž Furlan, Neža Knez, Danilo Milovanović, Nika Oblak & Primož Novak.