Correspondences (2018)
Curated program of video poetry
Curator: Dušan Dovč
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2018
Production of video works: MKC Maribor (MKC Črka program), KUD Liber, Gulag Institute, V. Wolf Gang
Duration: 21’ 18’’
Premiere: World Poetry Day 2018, Pritličje, Ljubljana, 21 March 2018
The video program Correspondences presents the production of the Gulag Institute from Ljubljana, MKC Maribor (MKC Črka program) and KUD Liber from Krško. As well as the video work by the artist participating in the DIVA Station Archive.
The selection shows very divers works, from animation to video when the sound (i.e. poem) is omitted and replaced by gestures and blurred image.
Jože Slaček & Jan Šmarčan, Ko se ustavi čas, 2’ 47’’
MKC Maribor, program MKC Črka, 2015
Valérie Wolf Gang, Distant Memory, 2’ 43’’
V.W.G., 2014 (from DIVA Station archive)
Gorazd Krnc & Peter Semolič, Shotokan, 3’ 20’’
Gulag Institute, 2015
Zoran Srdič & Gregor Podlogar, Oklepaj, 2’ 53’’
Gulag Institute, 2016
Rene Puhar, Hana Repše, Miha Sagadin & Dejan Koban, Šalamun je mrtev pika konec debate, 3’
MKC Maribor, program MKC Črka, 2015
Toni Soprano & David Bedrač, Padanja, 2’ 27’’
MKC Maribor, program MKC Črka, 2015
Nataša Berk & Anja Golob, Ptička, 1’ 17’’
MKC Maribor, program MKC Črka, 2015