Downhill. New acquisitions of DIVA Station (2021)

Curator: Vesna Bukovec
SCCA-Ljubljana, 2021
Duration: 45’
Premiere: VideoGaredn.7 (VideoDvorišče.7), Škuc Gallery (24. 8. 2021)

Urška Aplinc’s student video (Slide, 2014) shows tireless absurd movement with the help of a prop that is not made to fit the body, and therefore forces it into a specific posture and movement. Nataša Berk fulfills her long-standing wish and forms a music group with her own alter egos, with which she performs on stage in the video PolyPlay (2007). In her first documentary Some Information (1968), Ana Nuša Dragan records a move from a student dormitory, capturing a farewell from a playful youth and a transition to adulthood. With the responsibilities of the adult world, marked primarily by paying bills, encounters Lada Cerar in the video Blow My Bills Away. Calculator (2012). In a 1997 television portrait, Maja Škerbot presents the ‘unconventional lady’ Milena Kosec, a ‘dabbler and dilettante’ who works without rules. At that time, scarecrows had their own country in her vegetable garden, as they recognized the ideal location in the newly formed country in the form of a bird in southeastern Europe. The state is supposed to provide security for its inhabitants. What does ensuring security look like in times of pandemic, exploitation, violence, climate change and fake news, I ask myself in the video What is danger? (2020/21). In the performance Alopecia areata (2018), Tatiana Kocmur reconstructs the state of mind in a period of personal distress, the consequences of doubts, fears and frustrations. Female voice programming interfaces – digital shamans from the two-channel video Vala (2017) by Agnes Momirski might help dealing with personal hardships. Jatun Risba’s performance Be-coming Tree. Autumn (2020/2021) brings insight into the coexistence of life and death in nature, merging with the forest, and establishing a dialogue between the World Wide Web and the World Mycelium Network.

Vesna Bukovec

Urška Aplinc, Slide, 1′ 52”
U.A., 2014
» video
Urška Aplinc, Drča

Nataša Berk, PolyPlay, 4′ 18”
N.B., 2004
» video
Nataša Berk, PolyPlay

Ana Nuša Dragan, Some Information, 1′ 54”
A.N.D., 1968
» video
Ana Nuša Dragan, Nekaj informacij

Lada Cerar, Blow My Bills Away. Calculator, 2′ 51”
L.C., 2012
» video
Lada Cerar, Odpihni moje račune. Kalkulator

Maja Škerbot, Interview with Milena Kosec, 5′ 10”
Gajba TV, 1997
» video
Maja Škerbot, Intervju z Mileno Kosec

Vesna Bukovec, What is Danger?, 2′
V.B., 2020/2021
» video
Vesna Bukovec, Kaj je nevarnost?

Tatiana Kocmur, Alopecia areata, 5′ 40”
Translacija | Traslación, 2018
» video
Tatiana Kocmur, Alopecia areata

Agnes Momirski, Vala, 10′ 16”
A.M., 2017
» video
Agnes Momirski, Vala

Jatun Risba, Be-coming Tree in Autumn, 10′ 27”
J.R., 2020/2021
» video
Jatun Risba, Be-coming Tree Autumn