Race with Time. Performance and Video in a Rear-view Mirror (2014)
Curator: Barbara Borčić
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2014
Duration: 99′
Premiere: Slovenski gledališki inštitut (National Theatre Museum/Institute), June 5–16, 2014
The relationship between performance art and video art could be schematically demonstrated by four modes: 1) video as a document of performance, 2) video as a part of performance / performance as a part of video, 3) (video) performance, staged only for the camera, and 4) performance made possible only through video, its expressive and technological possibilities for processing and editing.
Nuša and Srečo Dragan, Video Painting (Masculin-feminin), 10′
video action
Trigon, Graz, 1979
Miha Vipotnik, Videogram 4, 29′
video tapes from studio recordings and art video
RTV Ljubljana, 1976–79
Marko A. Kovačič, Casus belli, 5′
video performance
Martina Bastarda, Mateja Ocepek, Nataša Skušek, Pissing, 4’29”
action for camera (outdoors)
Duba Sambolec, Collectors #3, *Settings*, 31′
video performance (a part of installation Collectors #3)
KIT Trondheim, 2002
Tomaž Furlan, Wear IV–VI, 5’28”, 3’22”
performances for camera (studio)
Ana Čigon, One More Kick, 3’40”
performance for camera (cadre)
Mateja Bučar (with Aja Zupanec, Martina Ruhsam, Aleš Zorec, Ivan Mijačevič, Maja Kalafatič, Nina Pertot Weis), The Unnoticed, 7′
urban choreography
DUM, 2013–2014