28. 06. 2024VideoGarden.15: Landscapes, Spaces


Screening and talk on Thursday, 4 July 2024, 9 pm at the inner courtyard of Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana.
The films deal with landscapes, both internal and external, in one way or another. If human characters or figures are present, they are part of the landscape rather than occupying the foreground; in this way, we establish a relationship to space, its dimensions, and the entities within it, which manifest themselves in different ways. Above all, humans manifest themselves through the traces of social arrangements that determine the ways and possibilities of moving through spaces.
Participating: Ana Brumat, Ester Ivakič, Blaž Kutin, Blaž Murn, David Paige, Maja Prelog, Juš Premrov
Curator: Robert Kuret