5. 09. 2024VideoGarden.16: These Roots, Interlacing the Worlds


Screening and talk on Friday, 6 September 2024, 8 pm at the inner courtyard of Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana.
”The physical infrastructure of digital worlds spreads across the ground of foreign territories. Sometimes buried a few meters underground, situated at the remote edge of the inhabited world, but always invisible to most users. Digital spaces seemingly emerge from nowhere, while their carriers permeate the soil like fraudulent root systems, an error, an inconsistency that does not adapt to the laws of the biotope it appropriates.” – Lara Reichmann
Participating: Mohamed Abdelkarim (EG/NL), Neo Nor (SI), Agnieszka Polska (PL), He Zike (CN)
Curator: Lara Reichmann