8. 09. 2012The Dark Alter

Video screening
19th Anniversary of AKC Metelkova City

Saturday night, September 8, 2012 from 9 pm
Place: three windows in front of Pešaki building

The Dark Alter

For 19th Anniversary of AKC Metelkova City a hosting curator at SCCA-Ljubljana Sixtine Rose Boyer prepared a video program about the alternative art scene, Metelkova and its forerunners.

Sixtine Rose Boyer is currently working as a volunteer at the DIVA Station material and on-line archive of video art. Simultaneously, she is a postgraduate student of Triple Master Degree (Medias, Culture and Communication) at University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Europa-Universität Vidarina of Frankfurt an der Oder and University St Kliment Ohridski of Sofia.

The starting point of her thesis is the exploration of so-called Dark Culture (i.e. Gothic, New Dark and Cold Wave, Punk, Hard Core) in Slovenia and more specifically in Ljubljana from the beginning of the 80s till today. Predominantly, she is researching the role of groups and movements like FV Group, Borghesia, Laibach and AKC Metelkova City.


23. 03. 2012DIVA Station (SCCA-Ljubljana, Barbara Borčić) and video No More Heroes Any More (Marko Kovačić) participated at the UNESCO Sofia Meetings Forum

Presentation, screenings, round-table
17. 3. 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia meetings

UNESCO Venice Office, in cooperation with the Sofia International Film Festival held on Saturday, March 17th 2012 a regional forum entitled Balkan visions: Creativity for the future in South-East Europe.

The UNESCO Sofia Meetings Forum aims at enhancing the debate of the role of culture and creativity in fostering sustainable development, social cohesion and integration in South-Eastern Europe. It brought together a group of artists and creators who are contributing to the renovation and reshaping of the intellectual and artistic contemporary scene in South-East Europe.

The forum was structured around 3 thematic round-tables: cinema, creative cities, and new media arts. On the round-table about media arts Barbara Borćić participated as a panelist, while a video by Marko Kovačič was selected for a public video screening.

More on SCCA-Ljubljana website

6. 01. 2012Videospotting in 2011 with three new video programs

Under the title Videospotting we produce survey and thematic programs of video art in Slovenia. The programs are curated by the SCCA-Ljubljana collaborators and invited curators on the basis of their own thematic standpoints

In 2011 we have produced three new video programs. Ida Hiršenfelder curated video program Keyword: Food [11] as a selection of videos connected with the keyword “Food” in the video online archive DIVA Station. Ida Hiršenfelder also curated a video program Intimising Dance as a question how dance and video art are connected nowadays.

Miha Colner curated video program Industrial Landscapes. This is a selection of five works showing different genres and generations of video artists from Slovenia that are presenting this dark motives of decaying industrial spaces but they interpret it in different ways that are not necessarily negative but they interpret it in different ways that are not necessarily negative.


DIVA Station

28. 10. 2011What is the meaning of AV archives?

Lectures, screening, installation and performance
Web site DIVA Station

October 27th, 2011, 6pm till 10pm
Kapelica Gallery, Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana

What is the meaning of AV archives?

Creating physical and virtual, analogue and digital archives is a necessary tool to enable us a reflexion on contemporary art production. UNESCO has adopted 27 October as the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage to better focus on the meaning of audio-visual materials and their carriers, and to provide an incentive to protect and maintain these documents which are an essential part of cultural heritage.

SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana tries to address an overall debate about Slovenian video art and new-media practice with research, documentation, presentation, education and archive programmes to preserve movable cultural heritage. Ever since 2005 we are preparing international seminars to seek for answers concerning the field of archiving AV materials.

This year we will ask ourselves about the meaning of audiovisual archives and officially launch the web page of video and media art DIVA Station (www.e-arhiv.org/diva).


7. 10. 2011Videodance_6 at the Open Studio Izmir platform

Screening and lecture

Tuesday, October 11, 2011, at 8pm
K2 Contemporary Art Center

Cumhuriyet Blv.No:54
Büyük Kardicali Han, Kat:2 Konak-IZMIR, Turkey

As an accompanying event of the international project and platform Open Studio Izmir organized by SCCA-Ljubljana and K2 Contemporary Art Center from Izmir, Videospotting will be screened in the Center.

Jasna Hribernik in Zmago Lenardič, Elsa und Lohengrin
(Image: Jasna Hribernik & Zmago Lenardič, Elsa und Lohengrin, 3′, VPK, 1997)

SCCA-Ljubljana will prepare a presentation of Videospotting, series of survey and thematic programs of video art in Slovenia and presentations (exhibitions, screenings, lectures) in Slovenia and worldwide. Barbara Borčić, curator in critic, video and performance art specialist, director of SCCA-Ljubljana, will present one of the curated video programs focused on dance video Videodance_6.

OPEN STUDIO IZMIR is an interdisciplinary project and platform with screenings, discussions, presentations and workshop with a focus on videodance and sound art. Open Studio is conceived as a collaborative project between SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts-Ljubljana (Slovenia) and K2 – Contemporary Art Center from Izmir (Turkey).

The project is supported by K2 Contemporary Art Center, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and Municipality of Ljubljana – Department for Culture.
Special thanks to Ayşegül Kurtel and Selin Demirhan from K2. The whole project is organized within the framework of K2’s guest studio program.